hello! the prelims are here already and its been a long time since i've written in my blog...
it's been a long time and we've all come a long way from our secondary school years... we've matured, learnt more, failed more and have greater ambitions about our futures.
i wanted to be a dancer when i was young, but practicality and sensibility got the better of me when i realised that in singapore, being an artist is not exactly the most desirable job in the world.... even though i loved dancing i knew it wasn't for me... at 18 years and i was already battered with numerous injuries from head to toe... no no no...
then i switched to doing something more practical like say, accountancy! now this would be a good choice, seeing that im an extremely calculative and deliberative person.... no messing around with this accountant!
then i realised i didn't want to hold a desk-bound job... what a bore! I want to enjoy what i do... run around and have fun and work at the same time!
now i don't know what i want to do.
it's funny, you know, after all that deliberation and finally concluding to yourself "i have no idea"
can i just sit here and wait for it to come to me? maybe when i go to sleep tonight i'll have a dream and wake up with a ground-shattering revelation to my future career and prospects. maybe when i wake up tomorrow i shall attain enlightenment and know exactly what i will do for the rest of my life.
or maybe, just maybe.... i still won't have any idea.
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
08 03
the west side of my island
golden leaf
strong constitution
pleasant disposition
do well for 'A's!
[still thinking]
the greatest thing you'll ever learn
is just to love and be loved in return-