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Thursday, February 26, 2004
Well, i haven't blogged in days and i think that at last, my blog is finally warming up a bit with the intense episode of the *DEMENTED* love story. JUst introducing the couples:
1. Celebrian and Guy!!!
2. Carrot and Cliff!!!
3. Devil and Cuname!!!
*soft murmur and unentusiastic applause*
4. amoresper and Zak!!!
*cat calls by me!!!*
5. Meow and Xen!!!
6. Grey and Bloom!!!
*uh.. ok...*
Sigh, i'm not related to Cheryl in any way... *pouts* shall ask for one.. she has a lot of characters to spare, right, carrot?
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Saturday, February 21, 2004
Oh guess what? My aunt just came back from japan and she bought me this magazine with oodles of LOTR pics! I'm so elated and happy! She also bought the extended DVDs of the FOTR and TTT. Is that cool or what??? Anyway... Mel's birthday just passed and i would just like to say... You're old!! *muahahaha* i know, i'm growing old too... but not for another two weeks! I'm going to treasure my youth... I think that my founder's day dance is really bad... it'll be the most humiliating thing i'll be doing before my b-day since its on the 6th march. maybe its a test to see whether i'm ready to be more MATURE. oh well... promise me you guys won't laugh or say i'm fat... the costume is so... *blearh* i hope after it's altered it'll look more.. well... flattering. anyway, listening to nice songs like where is the love and heal the world. I don't listen to sadistic songs like SUM people. I've done my english compo and i wrote something about vanity and a girl dying from it. My last line is "It is a mirror that reflects my love for her." ... Yeah.. because "I" presented the deceased with a mirror after she died... and everyone at the funeral were very angry because the girl died while trying to put on make-up while driving so... she died... yeah... so the ppl at the funeral were very angry bout "me" presenting her with a mirror... but it was one that reflected love, not beauty or anything else... Yeah.. basically its quite bad..... and i think its very lame.. It is about 1457 words long.. almost exceeding the word limit.. Long winded sam is demonstrated just by this post alone... shall go and visit San-Mei (rhea)'s blog now...
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Monday, February 16, 2004
Check out the height of her leg! This is the best freaking dancer i have ever seen in my whole life.... SYLVIE GUILLEM!!!! Go you!!!
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Saturday, February 14, 2004
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Firstly, I would like to congratulate Cheryl on her growing older! *clap clap*. I would also want to wish Mel_n a Get well soon. We really miss your bouncing up and down and everyone doesn't feel smart because there's no one telling us that she's confused or she doesn't understand *wink*. I'm going to link my uncle's webpage, hopefully he'll link mine :), he's a great photographer and remember the lioness (some say its a dog???) with the open mouth yawning? Yeah.. do check it out lol... hehehehe... BTW, dance club is putting up an item for founder's day and we are supposed to be the disturbing waves of the rough sea. OH pls pls pls go and watch cinderella??? Its very nice, i think its even better than swan lake. The leading dancer is very good and you will all scream at her exhilarating leaps and stunts. You ppl will probably fall asleep anyway... *sigh*.. Could have been dancing in it, but i was too tal for the required height (which is 145cm)... Gotta go for cheerleading now, so bored... Been dancing all week... Just remember the infamous name....
Visit the above for his video!! *laugh* (she bangs, she bangs)
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Saturday, February 07, 2004
Yo people, i know my blog has a lot of photographs.. Well.. Just wanted to show all of you the contrast between the LOTR characters, or any movie for that matter, and their *true* self. They all look very different from the movie, but I will TRY to get those that best reflect the roles they play respectively. Rhea's blog is something like her personal diary and she writes her thoughts and reflections and poems in it. As for me.. I talk about ANYTHING under the sun! Yes... I shall write the poem we *parodied* in class.. HEHEHE:
One PROBLEM to rule them all,
One PROBLEM to find them,
One PROBLEM to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them.
In the journey of Life where the PROBLEMS lie.
hehe... i think i got it right.. Tell me if its wrong. we still have the first 4 lines or so to compose.
My suggestion:
Three petite PROBLEMS under the sky/stars,
Seven medium PROBLEMS in the halls of stone,
Nine small PROBLEMS doomed to solve,
One big PROBLEM on its dark throne,
In the journey of life where the PROBLEMS lie.
One PROBLEM to rule them all,
One PROBLEM to find them,
One PROBLEM to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them.
In the journey of Life where the PROBLEMS lie.
hehe.. did i get it right?? Can someone help me here????
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Friday, February 06, 2004
Hey people, i've just added new pictures to my blog. You know something, i thought that since i had a girl column for the LOTR actresses i might add one for the guys. Now i have one column of photos just for the guy actors. Of course I won't just be putting LOTR pics.. But that's pretty unlikely for those who know me. *wicked laugh* I'm going to add some pics from the movies that i enjoy watching. These are ranked according to level of obsession:
1. LOTR!!!
2. Peter Pan (currently, cos its so cool!!!)
3. Pirates of the Caribbean
4.The Matrix (for the special effects! I would like it better if i knew what it was talking about. hehe)
5. Dance movies like Save the Last Dance (which totally sucks actually 'cept for the dancing part), A Time for Dancing, Center Stage(so far the best!)
6. Cantonese Movies, shall explain no further.
I have a very small range of favourite movies, and most of them fall under fantasy/fiction/comedy... Notice i grew out of Harry Potter a long time ago.. I forgot to include finding nemo!! Short-term memory loss.. hehe...
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Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Teresa Teng
I think she is just one of the best female singers that we ever had in this world and she sang a handful of those wonderful songs that we now still hear today. I really wish i could hear her sing again because I always sang her songs when i was young. Her famous number includes , , and . *sniff* At the tender age of 43, she died of an asthma attack while on a journey to Thailand, i think. She is very talented and she can sing her Mandarin songs in Japanese. :D
Anita Mui
Madonna of the East! She was one of my idols! I have heard a lot of her songs and well, she had been singing since the age of 4, so her voice is something really special. *sniff* *boo hoo* can't go on any longer...
Hail the music developement of us Chinese!
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Sunday, February 01, 2004
Here's one more:

You're Arwen! Go you! You wear pretty dresses,
fight ringwraiths, and appear when you're not
supposed to be there.
Which girl in Middle-earth are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Here are a few quizzes that i took. The links are below MY results. Heheh, can gloat over them if you want:

You are Elwing the White, Princess of Doriath, wife
of Earendil the Mariner and mother of Elrond
and Elros. When the sons of Feanor attacked
Arvernian you threw yourself into the sea with
your Silmaril, but Ulmo of the Waters turned
you into a bird and you flew to the safety of
Earendil's ship. Together you sailed to Aman to
beg the aid of the Valar. When Earendil and the
Silmaril were set into the sky you settled in a
tower in Aman and flew to greet your husband
whenever he drew near.
Which Elf chick are you from Tolkien's Quenta Silmarillion?
brought to you by Quizilla

You would be a healer: Obviously you like helping
people or maybe you just like having magic
LOTR 'What would your occupation be in Middle-earth?'
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Galadriel. You like to know whats going on and are a natural leader. You dont like bowing down to a man's rule. You are highly respected and love to create a place of peace for your fellow elves. You are mysterious and can sometimes be a bit scary.
Which Middle Earth Woman Are You?-www.councilofelrond.com

You are Galadriel!
Which Female LotR Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla

You are a true fan of Lord of the Rings or all of
J.R.R Tolkiens works! You've read or your on
the process of reading all of his books! You've
even watched the movie too many times to
remember!! I congratulate you, you've become a
Do you know your Lord of the Rings?(knowledge) brought to you by Quizilla

You're a Niphredel flower.
Which Middle Earth flower are you? brought to you by Quizilla

In Middle Earth, you would be an Elf, and you would
live in Rivendell or Lothlorien.
Where would you live in Middle Earth and what race would you be? brought to you by Quizilla

On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being
the highest, you are.......Level 5 obsessed!
Maybe you've studied Quenya so much that you
can speak it fluently, maybe you've watched
FotR over 50 times, or maybe you just know that
you'll marry Orlando Bloom some day. I gotta
hand it to you: you are absobloominutely
How obsessed are you with LotR? brought to you by Quizilla
More to come!
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