hello! the prelims are here already and its been a long time since i've written in my blog...
it's been a long time and we've all come a long way from our secondary school years... we've matured, learnt more, failed more and have greater ambitions about our futures.
i wanted to be a dancer when i was young, but practicality and sensibility got the better of me when i realised that in singapore, being an artist is not exactly the most desirable job in the world.... even though i loved dancing i knew it wasn't for me... at 18 years and i was already battered with numerous injuries from head to toe... no no no...
then i switched to doing something more practical like say, accountancy! now this would be a good choice, seeing that im an extremely calculative and deliberative person.... no messing around with this accountant!
then i realised i didn't want to hold a desk-bound job... what a bore! I want to enjoy what i do... run around and have fun and work at the same time!
now i don't know what i want to do.
it's funny, you know, after all that deliberation and finally concluding to yourself "i have no idea"
can i just sit here and wait for it to come to me? maybe when i go to sleep tonight i'll have a dream and wake up with a ground-shattering revelation to my future career and prospects. maybe when i wake up tomorrow i shall attain enlightenment and know exactly what i will do for the rest of my life.
or maybe, just maybe.... i still won't have any idea.
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
there are many ways to kill a person.
you could stab her to death or you could poison her with arsenic you could burn him alive or you could shoot him in the head you could put a pillow in her face or you could squeeze her neck you could clobber his head or you could chop him into pieces
or you could just break her heart.
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Monday, January 07, 2008
hey everyone!
it's been 4 days in school and it's been a great experience...
finally i'm promoted to the senior batch of the school and i get to stare very sternly at the new bloods.....
gosh don't they look young and scared???? *cackles*
ok anyway, school's been fun so far... the workload hasn't started to pile up just yet, but it will sooner or later and i will have to start hitting the books - permanently - really soon.
not to mention this blog will become very outdated but never mind because the people who frequent this page, (i presume), are probably in my year and won't have much time to do so anyway.
lectures are starting and tutorials are warming up! i love my homeroom and it's quite cosy when the room is so big but my class only has like, 18 people and we're snuggled right in the middle of the classroom... the best part was when the new teachers came in and they're like, "where's the rest of your class?"
haha.... one of the funniest things that happened this year was when the econs lecturer asked, "how many people are in your class?", with this expression that suggested that she was thinking that a lot of people in my class played truant.... the funny thing was that everyone was there and she was actually really quite shocked at our class size... what a laugh!
ok that's all for today... quite bushed so shall turn in early.
enjoy the the rest of the year of the pig! =)
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
twice in a day wow!
just spent the whole time between the first post and this one cleaning out my room and i have like 7 huge plastic bags worth of things to dump! goodness!
there's so much space and i love my clean and spacious room!
ok the reason why it's so spacious is because i stuffed a lot of the things i have into my cupboards.... which means now my cupboards are really packed and if i have to dig for anything.... most of the stuff will end up on my table again which is of course, reverting its condition back to square one.
but don't we always clean out our rooms with the knowledge that it'll be dirty again?
so.... im not too ambitious and i'll just hope that i will be able to delay that happening! haha
holidays are out and school is in!
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
it's a brand new year and everyone is getting ready for school! (yeah right)
anyway i just wanted to address the accusation brought forward my my long-time friend, the carrot. she has unwittingly (of course) accused me of being a closet bimbo due to my apparent 'hidden' pink fetish.
now, let me get this straight... i do admit that my things when i was in secondary school were.... somehow all pink. but that doesn't mean that i am totally smitten with pink things!
let's see.... my pink snoopy (yes...) bag was a gift from my aunt who is currently residing in HK. And seeing that the sec sch premises were as dirty as they still are now, i decided to use that bag and be rid of it by the time i graduated.
now, it doesn't help to have scheming friends like wrinkled carrots, who scrutinise every detail!
then came the wallet. it was a gift from my dear uncle who also resides in HK. now, my previous wallet was broken so i had no choice. and who really cares about the colour of the wallet anyway? i'd think people would be more concerned with the colour of the money that's inside the wallet...
don't know about you guys but i'd much rather have an orange carrot-coloured note than a purpleor green one... know what i mean?
ok then came the water bottle.... the water bottle was another GIFT from the community development council of SINGAPORE. folks folks... this means that it was a gift from society... and seeing the true patriotism that is in me, how could i not use it? *even though it was strikingly pink?*
and i think all those who were in my sec 3-4 class, you girls would all know that i, indeed, am truly agreat fan of our nation's leaders, or leader, to be exact.
and as for this blog... i would just like to say that this was the original template and to change anything would be aninsult to the designer....
so... i rest my case.
goodness that was a load of gibberish hahahahahahaha... sorry carrot was just fooling around you're not that wrinkly, just a bit old. =D
P.S. i still don't like to eat carrots but still love u anyway!
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Monday, December 31, 2007
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
hey everyone!
it's the last day of the whole year! I'm sure all of us have different and fresh outlooks on this new year ahead!
but as our teachers in school always say, we should always take some time to reflect on our past experiences to help us learn more about ourselves... after all, we are who we are because of all our experiences!
i would say that this year has been the fastest but most eventful year in my whole life thus far. now, why would a young person like me say something like that? after all, i have many many years (i hope) ahead of me.
the first big change was the progression into a new educational institution. besides the exponential increase in academic work, i have also found myself a more vibrant social life. i mean, in the past everything in my life revolved around dance, school, ballet.... and that was it. i would wake up early in the morning and go to school, try to finish all my homework during breaks and recesses because i'd have ballet in the afternoon and dance rehearsals at night. rehearsals would end at 11pm and by the time i got home, washed up and changed into a fresh set of clothes, a new day would have come. such was my life for most of the time.
but now, with the introduction of new communities of practice and interaction, i am proud to say that..i do actually have some people i can talk to, laugh with and just hang around- doing nothing.
there's nothing much to reflect about my academic results because it's always the same thing over and over again.... "good! but can be better!"
about my dance, well... let's see... this wasn't really a great year for my dancing because well, firstly i got diagnosed (well not really) with this cracked tailbone but i still had to dance becaue of my self-obligating nature.
and then i got a little slack in the dance club and didn't turn up for practices.... but it wasn't really my fault because some were really last minute and i really couldn't make it! oh well....
at least i showed my face for booth duty during open house though! at least i did something for the club! =)
on the ballet side... let's just say i got slack as well.... haha... and yes i went out of practice for a while but now my motivation is back and.... i really want to do my last exam well.... i did better than expected for my advanced 1 exam and i'm looking forward to conclude my ballet career with a good grade on my last and final advanced 2 exam... wish me luck, everyone!
emotionally, i'm still stable so.. no worries!
physically.... there's some problems with my body but i think i can handle it... sometimes i think my body hates me because of all the physical stress i put it through but i think my body can take it... dance in school and training and ballet outside.... my body's started to hurt in the knees and the hips and the back (wow i sound old) but all i need is a few doses of glucosamine and calcium to get me back on track! and my dad still thinks im fat so... i guess maybe the stress next year will reduce me to more skin and bones! *haha*
my new year resolution(s)
- do well in exams (of course) - get selected for advance 2 exam - train hard and maybe (just maybe) get into team? - take care of myself and my battered body - pray i don't get any more injuries - cherish the time i have with my friends =) - try not to spend so much money (hahaha)
---------------------- sam
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
take my HAND; and GUIDE me through*
Saturday, December 29, 2007
hey everyone!
merry (belated) christmas to all!
it's been a long time since i last wrote here, mainly because i've been busy with everything that's been going on around me...well, let me remininsce a little, shall we?
ok... since september, i've gone through... the awfully dreary promotional examinations, which were a killer but then again, they did not turn out as bad as i had expected them to.
oh well, life's full of pleasant surprises, isn't it?
anyway, after the unpleasant promotional examinations, my worst nightmare arrived - the performance. see, i was involved in this dance performance which was due in mid-october, and the dancers had already been practising really hard (and believe me when i say HARD) three months before.
anyway, the much dreaded performance came, went, and closed with resounding applause. i don't think i would ever want to attempt such projects ever again. sure it would be lovely to take up a challenge but at this point of time in my life i think it would be best to focus on the more pertinent issues at hand, say for example, my academic achievements (which can be hardly considered achievements)
so, life after the performance was of course, much easier but then again, how easy could life be? (who ever said life was easy anyway?) there was still the overseas service learning project and preparing for it was hell but then going there was much much worse.
now, i shan't recount any of the bad memories that happened in that nice country for fear of defaming anyone or haunting any of my group members with that nasty experience.
not to say it wasn't interesting at all, though. my group mates provided jokes and lots of laughs, which made the whole experience a lot more tolerable. =)
after the trip, there was a shooting chalet! (my first holiday get-away!)
a lot of things didn't go according to plan. well, actually everything didn't go according to plan. well, actually, to be really specific about this, there wasn't even a plan. (so how could anything go according to it?)
you see, our beloved captain had a wonderful itinerary planned out (kudos to him for that). but then his wonderful plan was based on one tiny little assumption - fair weather.
so then there wasn't a wet weather plan. and since there wasn't a wet weather plan, nothing could go according to plan, because it started to rain the whole day.
first, we couldn't chill out at the beach AS PLANNED. then, we couldn't barbecue our food AS PLANNED.
so in the end we sat around talking, playing this cute but very noisy game with chinese tiles, and watching random shows on tv like, 'i propose' and 'heroes'.
there were a bunch of crazy souls who were restless that night and did not catch a single wink till the break of dawn. even better, i was getting out of bed when a friend of mine was getting in! at eight in the morning! goodness.
after the shooting chalet, there wasn't much going on.... just the usual routine schedule of.. dance classes and self-training sessions every week...
oh! went to watch swan lake on the 20th november with yh. it was lovely! so ethereal.... so beautiful.... =)
anyway, during the period before christmas i was also frantically shopping for presents for my family and friends.
i did quite a bit of shopping for myself too (hey i couldn't resist) and i even have new things for chinese new year! (it's a bit too early to be preparing for that but oh well, at least i don't have to worry about not finding clothes next year!)
christmas came and went, and it was rather uneventful this year... we just stuffed our presents under our dad's potted plant.
two days after christmas is mel's birthday and a gang of four (not the historical one) of us went out hunting for her birthday present. trust me, it isn't easy buying accessories for someone who's allergic to (as i'm told) metal? or silver at least. it's not easy buying a cake for someone who is allergic to nuts as well. (i wonder if she's allergic to coconuts or donuts... hmmmm)
anyway, we celebrated her birthday today with a k-box session (which left us feeling very high!) among the songs chosen, i think the best were, "calcutta", "barbie girl", "lady marmalade", "umbrella" and....... "boom boom" oh oh and "under the sea!!!"
we had a wonderful time... or at least i did.
nothing beats hanging out with your good ol' friends and loved ones! =)
- amethyst
hold me TIGHT; and NEVER let go*
08 03
the west side of my island
golden leaf
strong constitution
pleasant disposition
do well for 'A's!
[still thinking]
the greatest thing you'll ever learn
is just to love and be loved in return-